This is where I come... to breathe... to find calm amidst the storm that I call living... to process the challenges thrown my way...

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October 15, 2011

Love my job

I know, ironic isn't it?  But it's true.  I love my job.  All three of them.

My first job - working with the commuter life program at Multnomah University - is a complete joy.  I get to hang out with students, develop student leaders, and have fun.  I have a great team that I work with.  But most importantly, I have a great boss.

My second and third jobs are grading for professors.  I know I shouldn't enjoy reading the same paper 30 times (or 70 times for the larger classes) but I am invigorated by seeing and reading the development in students' lives.  I get to read how God is molding and shaping them.  I get to read what they learned in a Bible study.  I get to see things click when they understand (and enjoy!) a symphony for the first time.

I love my jobs.  I don't know what the future will hold, but I love the opportunities I get to enjoy during my senior year.