This is where I come... to breathe... to find calm amidst the storm that I call living... to process the challenges thrown my way...

Follow along. Maybe you'll find a fresh breeze, or a calm spring day, or a challenge for yourself.

August 28, 2010

Change of Direction

I hate last-minute changes.  So it was extremely difficult to look at my upcoming term and realize a change was necessary.  I am still undecided on which Masters Program I want to enter into after I complete my undergraduate studies.  Double majoring opens up so many doors of opportunity and the choices are overwhelming.  But, because of some recent developments and connections for a discount on tuition at one college, I felt it necessary to avert my studies and emphasize Biblical Studies in my coursework this coming term.

I hate last-minute changes.  But this change will also lighten up my daily schedule and routine.  I have the option of either having a break during the day or rearranging my work hours to make it possible to spend less time on campus and more time at home.  I think I'll try to find a balance somewhere in the middle.

I hate last-minute changes.  However, I think this change will be good.  I just need to quickly adjust my mindset - classes begin on Monday!

August 27, 2010

A feeling of welcome

I am so blessed to be a part of the Student Leadership Team!  Not only do I have an amazing team for my program, but my team is a part of a larger purpose within the Student Leadership team.  Apart from the excitement of this, I feel extremely blessed...

One of the other teams is the Resident Life Team.  These guys and gals are awesome!  They give of themselves to the people in their dorm section 24/7 - and enjoy it!  Its amazing to watch them at work and see their hearts of servitude and love.  Its also amazing to see their strength of includer come out.  They've been so great at welcoming and including the new students this weekend!  But beyond that, they've also been great at including me.

Tonight, they decided to have a movie night and they invited me to join them.  I was a little nervous that some of them might wonder why I was there, since I am not an RA.  I needn't have worried.  Several expressed their thankfulness that I had joined them.  It made me feel so welcomed and, well, included.  Which makes me pause to wonder...  How do I make others feel?

Part of my job in my new role is to make others feel welcomed and accepted as they come into the commuter living room.  This is not a natural strength for me.  Will I be able to make the new (and returning) students feel as welcomed and accepted as I did when I came as a new student or as loved and appreciated as I did earlier tonight?  This will be my aim in the coming weeks.

August 25, 2010


Today it was amazing watching my new team work together to put together our space for the upcoming year!  We accomplished SO MUCH!  It was well beyond my expectations.

How was this accomplished?  We had a united goal.  We also had a similar vision.  Without these two things, it would have been an extremely difficult day.  We were able to divide and conquer and enjoy ourselves along the way.  It helped that we also utilized our individual strengths to be most effective as a united team. 

Tomorrow the new students arrive.  The year begins.  We're all a bit overwhelmed, but you know what?  We can do this.  We have God as our help.

August 23, 2010

Surprise endings

Forgive me for the shortness of this.  Leadership retreat was awesome!  But more on that later when I'm slightly more coherent.

It is currently Monday night, and past time for me to go to bed.  I'm exhausted from the long weekend.  The morning before our BBQ I awoke to a text message letting me know another member of my team would be resigning.  I'll admit to still being disappointed.  But at the time, more than being disappointed I was stressed.  We had been looking all summer for someone to replace the other gal from our team, and now it was suddenly just me and the 3 guys from our team.  But almost exactly 12 hours later, we had 2 people approach us to let us know they were interested!  Amazing!

Most amazing was the fact that they were both able to come to retreat (not all of it, but the large majority).  This provided the much-needed opportunity to connect prior to the actual beginning of the year.  Tomorrow we continue with our training, Wednesday we will prep the Center, and Thursday new students begin arriving!  The business is just beginning, and I remain excited and (albeit cautiously) optimistic at what God has in store for me!