I started a new - and CRAZY - diet. It's not an official or technical diet, but something that I'm piecing together with the help of my therapist. I'm calling it the anti-inflammatory diet.
I started on Friday - and cheated around dinner time. Well, actually earlier... I snagged some Reeses Pieces from my coworker's candy bowl and popped them in before I realized I'm not supposed to eat that! Too late. Then, I went to a wedding that served dinner and had a delicious salad with non-approved dressing. Small cheats.
Saturday was slightly better. But I suppose I should start by telling you what the anti-inflammatory diet is!
For the first week, I am only allowed to eat fresh fruits, veggies, and meat. That's it. Then, each week after, I get to add one or two new approved foods... Greek yogurt, raw nuts, quinoa, unprocessed (or flash-pasturized or something like that) cheeses, and beans. So, at the end of it all I can have only these few items. None of these items can come from a can, which means my beans have to be dried... then I soak them before use. Starches (potatoes, breads, white rice, etc.) are out for good. Which is grievous to me, because I LOVE my carbs!!!
So, after a few small cheats on Friday, I set off for Saturday. I began with a delicious garden scramble (I'll probably post the recipe soon!), then a huge bowl of fruit for lunch, chicken for dinner (another recipe I'll post soon!), and a green smoothie after dinner. Then, late in the evening, another cheat... I had a chocolate from my dad's candy dish as we were watching the football game!
Sunday I decided to skip ahead. I just can't survive on only meats, fruits and veggies! So, after an expensive trip to the grocery store after church, I added greek yogurt to my diet. I also used a little parmesan in a pesto I was making. I used up the 7 avocados I had sitting in my fridge from too long ago (surprisingly, with one exception, they were perfectly ripe!) and made up some avocado-ranch (another recipe to post) and avocado pesto (this one needs some tweeking before it's ready to post).
Today, I am looking forward to mixing up some DELICIOUS fro-yo from my Greek yogurt, organic baking chocolate, and Coconut-peanut butter. And, on that note, I'm off to create something wonderful!
Oh... I should also mention that, while I am still in about the same amount of pain, I am feeling a significant increase in energy (up at 6am the past two days and this is after going to bed late both nights and working hard in the kitchen all day yesterday getting meals ready for the week!). My muscles (especially my shoulders) seem to be less inflamed, too. Which is what I'm really after. I'm hoping the reduction in pain will come in time :)
This is where I come... to breathe... to find calm amidst the storm that I call living... to process the challenges thrown my way...
Follow along. Maybe you'll find a fresh breeze, or a calm spring day, or a challenge for yourself.
Follow along. Maybe you'll find a fresh breeze, or a calm spring day, or a challenge for yourself.
September 3, 2012
August 29, 2012
Whiteboard restoration
I'm surprised I haven't seen this on Pinterest yet... The whiteboards in my office are in horrible condition! So, a quick google search and I discover WD-40!
REALLY?! I think... But I decide to give it a try. A step in the right direction, but still not quite up to par. So, some more google searching... Still, all I'm finding is WD-40. So, we decide to give it another try... And, finally, we come up with the perfect process:
REALLY?! I think... But I decide to give it a try. A step in the right direction, but still not quite up to par. So, some more google searching... Still, all I'm finding is WD-40. So, we decide to give it another try... And, finally, we come up with the perfect process:
Step 1) Erase,
the best you can, all pen marks with dry eraser or microfiber cloth.
Step 2) Use
whiteboard cleaning spray (we recommend Expo White Board Care) to clean entire white board of all pen marks and
residue. Wipe dry with paper towels.
Step 3) When dry,
shake WD-40 well, spray on to one section of the whiteboard in a Z formation. Working
with the board in three sections works best.
Step 4) Use a new
dry paper towel to spread WD-40 evenly in that section. Do NOT wipe dry.
Step 5) Repeat
steps 3 and 4 in the other sections of the board.
Step 6) When each
section has had WD-40 applied and spread evenly, let sit for about 10 minutes.
Step 7) Use a new
clean microfiber cloth to polish the whiteboard free of WD-40. Use circular motions to rub the WD-40 into
the board.
Step 8) Test the
board by using an expo pen and then try to erase as usual. This procedure may
need to be repeated twice depending on condition of the board.
Before starting with the WD-40, our board looked like this... and this is after erasing! The black came up better than the red, but clearly both are still very evident on the board.
Morgan then began the process outlined above... Here, she is polishing the board (step 7)
Most of the time when you see a restoration step-by-step, they show the whiteboard after it's done. That's great, but I can make my whiteboard look just as great with the Expo cleaning solution. That doesn't mean that its going to wipe clean after I write on it again! But, just to prove to you that this works, here's a video :)
We have to mention a few very important things. NEVER use Glass cleaner, baby wipes, Lysol, or any other cleaner that is not approved for whiteboard use! This will ruin your whiteboard. If any of these products have been used and you're now trying to restore your whiteboard, be sure to let the WD-40 sit (after it is smeared in step 4). You may need to repeat steps 3-7 two or three times.
April 1, 2012
Full Speed Ahead
Life seems to be moving SO quickly! Graduation is less than 7 weeks away and its going to be a whirlwind for the next 6 months (at least!).
There's a job I've been hoping for... I should find out this month if I have the job. And by the time this happens, I'll be in the last few weeks of classes! After all, there are only 5 weeks left! I think the easiest way to talk about it is in a simple time-line...
There's a job I've been hoping for... I should find out this month if I have the job. And by the time this happens, I'll be in the last few weeks of classes! After all, there are only 5 weeks left! I think the easiest way to talk about it is in a simple time-line...
- As of today, I have 5 weeks of classes left!
- May 7th begins a "week" of finals (though I really only have 2 or 3 finals!)
- May 13th begins Senior Retreat
- May 18th - GRADUATION and my 29th birthday!
- May 20th - I leave for UGANDA!
- May 22nd - June 11th - I'll be in Uganda
- June 11-12th - 23 hours in LONDON
- June 12th - arrive back in Portland
- I'm thinking it will be a week or so to recover from jet lag and "process" everything I had experienced in Uganda and London
Then, if I get the job I was hoping for, I will be starting work on July 1st (technically... the 1st is a Sunday, so I'll actually start on the 2nd). And if I get that job... I'll be walking into a whirlwind! But, for now, its just an "if" so I'll leave it there. Besides, I think this is enough to process!
I'm truly praising God and praying for strength, endurance, and clearness of mind as I strive to grow closer to God during this busy time of life!
March 24, 2012
I smile at the future
If, 5 years ago, someone had told me what my life would be like now... I would have cried. If they had told me how content I would be (and am), I would have looked at them like they were crazy and done everything in my power to change the course.
Maybe someone did tell me. If so, I probably looked at them like they were absurd and thought I'm glad they don't control my future.
But, here I am. And you know what? Its not at all like I thought it would be, but I'm content. I smile at the future, knowing God has good things for me. I peer at the horizon and, while I don't know what's out there, I can see the silhouettes and I find myself thinking That looks fun... exciting... attractive...
I may not know the details, but I still smile knowing that everything is good. And will be good.
Maybe someone did tell me. If so, I probably looked at them like they were absurd and thought I'm glad they don't control my future.
But, here I am. And you know what? Its not at all like I thought it would be, but I'm content. I smile at the future, knowing God has good things for me. I peer at the horizon and, while I don't know what's out there, I can see the silhouettes and I find myself thinking That looks fun... exciting... attractive...
I may not know the details, but I still smile knowing that everything is good. And will be good.
March 11, 2012
I've been horrible at keeping up with this! This term has been absolutely crazy... last semester of college, looking at post-college jobs and careers, planning a trip to Uganda, starting to take my wedding coordinating business seriously (I started a website this weekend!), and soooo much more! (like living with 8 or 9 people)
This weekend has been a very crazy one as so many steps were taken. My Uganda trip is now a full green light and I am waiting for a response from my travel agent to confirm the dates and plans for my flight. And I took the next necessary step and got all my vaccinations done today!
I'll admit, I wasn't prepared for the "sting" of the yellow fever (or was it typhoid?). When I heard sting, I was thinking a sting from the needle. But instead it was a sting up and down my arm. I now have 3 snoopy bandaids and 2 regular ol' bandaids covering my arms.
Well, there's really nothing exciting about vaccinations. So I guess that covers it!
Pray for my penny/coin collection! Funding is going to be a huge "wow! Look at God work!" step in this trip. But my dad has become a faithful contributor and will continue to be as long as his hair continues to grow (he's paying me for haircuts now!) ;)
Feel free to comment your own prayer requests so I can be in prayer for all of you as well.
This weekend has been a very crazy one as so many steps were taken. My Uganda trip is now a full green light and I am waiting for a response from my travel agent to confirm the dates and plans for my flight. And I took the next necessary step and got all my vaccinations done today!
I'll admit, I wasn't prepared for the "sting" of the yellow fever (or was it typhoid?). When I heard sting, I was thinking a sting from the needle. But instead it was a sting up and down my arm. I now have 3 snoopy bandaids and 2 regular ol' bandaids covering my arms.
Well, there's really nothing exciting about vaccinations. So I guess that covers it!
Pray for my penny/coin collection! Funding is going to be a huge "wow! Look at God work!" step in this trip. But my dad has become a faithful contributor and will continue to be as long as his hair continues to grow (he's paying me for haircuts now!) ;)
Feel free to comment your own prayer requests so I can be in prayer for all of you as well.
February 8, 2012
Over the weekend I got the go-ahead to come on over to Uganda this Summer! I'm very excited! I have wanted to go to Uganda since Wes Bentley with Far Reaching Ministries came and spoke at church in 2006... this opportunity is one I have been waiting for.... well, for a long time!
I've been scouring the web for the cheapest airfare. I was pleasantly surprised when I found a ticket for $1712 (gotta love hotwire!). Now I just need to confirm dates and some other details so I can buy the tickets!
I'm really just trusting the Lord to provide the finances for this trip. In 2003, I more or less "collected" 130,000 pennies (that's $1300, for those of you who are math-challenged) for my trip to Cambodia. I had four months, and the Lord provided. This time, I have a mere three months and need roughly twice as much money! Maybe more, as I am still waiting to find out lodging expenses...
PLEASE! Be in prayer with me! And, if you feel led, help the loaves multiply by collecting pennies and coins along with me :)
I've been scouring the web for the cheapest airfare. I was pleasantly surprised when I found a ticket for $1712 (gotta love hotwire!). Now I just need to confirm dates and some other details so I can buy the tickets!

PLEASE! Be in prayer with me! And, if you feel led, help the loaves multiply by collecting pennies and coins along with me :)
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