A nice long weekend away has come to a close. Its bittersweet. I greatly enjoyed the leadership training and time spent in late-night conversation with a couple friends...
A theme began to develop with our late-night conversations: the broken picker.
A psychologist told me that there are 4 reasons why a man is single at my age:
1) he has a broken picker
2) he has a fear of commitment/marriage
3) he is divorced (which means his picker is probably broken)
4) he is a widower
After mentioning this to my friends, we were left to contemplate the question: why am I single? We all began to realize that we, like many men, have a broken picker. We fail to recognize the quality men around us and instead find ourselves selecting men who are broken, entering into broken relationships.
I wonder if these four categories accurately reflect every - or even the majority - of singles in their late- 20's and 30's, but it certainly is some challenging food for thought!