This is where I come... to breathe... to find calm amidst the storm that I call living... to process the challenges thrown my way...

Follow along. Maybe you'll find a fresh breeze, or a calm spring day, or a challenge for yourself.

October 31, 2013


Getting a new house is SO exciting! And obviously I was thrilled....

But now the seemingly endless list of projects is getting to me. Simple things like a big pile of limbs that need to get cleaned up...

Prior to closing they took the pile and made it even larger! But I have been blessed with the amazing support of my family and, of course, Mr. Golden. My mom has filled up my yard debri can the past two weekends by cutting down the branches into smaller pieces. 

Last weekend (more than a week ago by the time I get this posted!) we were blessed with the help of my parents, younger brother and his wife. After several days of Mr. Golden's sweat going into the house, my brother and I added our blood! 

Bloody knuckles that is! 

As a group we got a LOT done. I finished painting the final coat inside our pantry (another post for the pantry/laundry room will be coming with full pictures of the process!) while my mom diligently worked on the branch pile. Steven (my brother) and his wife worked on taking all the nails out of the baseboards after bringing them inside from the back porch. 

We swept up all the debri in the bathroom, which now looks like this: (sorry for the blur!)

Dad pulled up the tack board and so much more that I can't keep track. 
Mr. Golden has been doing so much that I have a hard time keeping track of what he did on which day. And I'm being serious! 

All in all if was a productive an beneficial weekend!